Governor Heineman Proposes to Eliminate Personal, Corporate and Retirement Income Taxes

Governor Heineman proposes to eliminate taxes for individual personal income, corporate income tax, Social Security income and civilian and military retirement income tax. This will be done with the introduction of two bills via Senators Ashford and McCoy.

You may download a copy of the “State of the State” and his arguments to remove these taxes at



1st Session of the 103rd Legislature to convene 9 January

The 1st Session of the 103rd Legislature is scheduled  to convene 9 January 2013.

Information for the Nebraskan Unicameral, reports and schedules may be found at

The state of Nebraska does a fine job compared to other states that I have lived in with respect to many many things including the information posted on their website. I am hoping this year that the changes in the bills can be posted faster. With the rapid speed that some of these change in the time right before voting, it would be great to be able to have the current or marked up copy to read.